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Alive Alive Oh (GB)
All In Clover (IRE)
Amortentia (IRE)
Anothersongndance (USA)
Arctic Flame (IRE)
Arctic Morning (IRE)
Arctic Piper (IRE)
Areyouwatchingme (IRE)
Arizona Sky (IRE)
Art Of Swing (IRE)
Ask A Serenade (IRE)
Ballylennontommy (IRE)
Baltoro (IRE)
Barrow Bounty (IRE)
Barrow Bridge (IRE)
Barrow Valley (IRE)
Beauchamp Bagenal (IRE)
Beautiful Profile (IRE)
Benson Dubois (IRE)
Bewleys Best (IRE)
Bewleys Choice (IRE)
Beyond Imagination (IRE)
Billys Dream (GB)
Bizet (IRE)
Bold Zsa Zsa (IRE)
Booker (GB)
Born To Lead (IRE)
Born To Rock (IRE)
Boy Capel (IRE)
Brimstone Hill (IRE)
Brown Butterfly (GB)
Buck Breeze (IRE)
Call Me Sweetheart (IRE)
Cameo Beauty (IRE)
Captain Angel (USA)
Captain Gaughen (USA)
Careenya (IRE)
Carrickduff (IRE)
Cartoon Hero (IRE)
Charlie Em (GB)
Chase My Ace (USA)
Chicago Fall (IRE)
Chickens Daughter (IRE)
Chief Suspect (IRE)
Church Mouse (IRE)
Classic Shantou (IRE)
Cloud Break (USA)
Cloudy Eye (IRE)
Cotocachi (IRE)
Cross Of Galilee (USA)
Crystal Harmony (IRE)
C\'est Ma Souer (IRE)
Dainty Girl (IRE)
Dandy Warhol (IRE)
Dangerous Flower (USA)
Delta Shuttle (IRE)
Diamond Rio (IRE)
Don'tmesswithbull (USA)
Drastic (USA)
Dream Footsteps (IRE)
Drifters Mate (IRE)
Drop The Penny (GB)
Dutch Party (GB)
Dylan's Day (IRE)
Eat My Dust (IRE)
Elegant Drama (IRE)
Elusive Dream (USA)
Fancy Red Diamond (IRE)
Fashionable Man (IRE)
Federal Agent (IRE)
Fellow Indian (IRE)
Flawlessly (FR)
Flemens Leader (IRE)
Folduf (IRE)
Fourcuil Fashion (IRE)
Freedomoftheseas (IRE)
G Friday (USA)
Genesis (IRE)
Good Old Lunch Box (USA)
Goodnight Dick (IRE)
Gorky Park (IRE)
Graceless Lady (IRE)
Green Days (IRE)
Hair Oil Jimmy (IRE)
Half Grand (IRE)
Handsome Effort (USA)
He's The Souperwon (USA)
Headfullofattitude (IRE)
Hint of A Tint (IRE)
Hissy Fit (GB)
History (IRE)
Howlongmore (IRE)
I Fought The Law (IRE)
Inches Away (IRE)
It's Lou's Turn (IRE)
Iwilltakethechance (IRE)
Jadlaan (USA)
Judge Harper (IRE)
Karenka (IRE)
Karley (GB)
Kau (USA)
Key Mountain (IRE)
Knockraha Boss (IRE)
Lady Lorabelle (IRE)
Le Troisieme Gris (IRE)
Lesoto Diamond (IRE)
Lhotse (USA)
Liberty To Rock (IRE)
Lickadoon (IRE)
Lion's Cove (IRE)
Logan's Deputy (USA)
Look Noble (GB)
Lorbrisus (IRE)
Love Potion (IRE)
Loveinasanddune (GB)
Lovely Star (IRE)
Lucky Three (IRE)
Lunag Ri (USA)
Mack Miller (GB)
Made It (IRE)
Madlin River (IRE)
Magic Vixen (IRE)
Man Power (IRE)
Maneater Stroll (USA)
Marcelo (IRE)
Mardanash (IRE)
Maude Gonne (IRE)
Max Moonhead (IRE)
Midshipmans Gold (USA)
Might Be Magic (GB)
Milestone Girl (IRE)
Milestone Prince (IRE)
Miltown Squire (IRE)
Miranda Priestly (IRE)
Miss Foaley (IRE)
Miss Mo Gander (IRE)
Missile Command (IRE)
Mister Hendre (GB)
Mollies Charm (IRE)
Molly\'s Affair (IRE)
Money Mike (IRE)
Montagnard (IRE)
Monteip (IRE)
Moonhall Lass (IRE)
Moulane A Chroi (IRE)
Mr Rocknroll (GB)
Ms Jilly Maaye (IRE)
Muntahez (IRE)
My Mind Reader (IRE)
Native Storm (IRE)
Never Before (IRE)
One Fine Tomorrow (IRE)
Pat The Pigeon (IRE)
Pearl River (IRE)
Penny's Bill (IRE)
Pipers Peril (IRE)
Powerful Paddy (IRE)
Princess Preskina (IRE)
Private Jackson (IRE)
Quick Glance (IRE)
Quinta Aurelia (IRE)
Rapid Rock (GB)
Rathnageera Star (IRE)
Ready To Rocknroll (IRE)
Rita's Delight (IRE)
River Barrow (IRE)
Rock Of Fire (IRE)
Rockonrosco (IRE)
Rockys Colt (IRE)
Rosie Daily (IRE)
Royal Madame (IRE)
Rudi Valentino (IRE)
Run Getaway Run (IRE)
Sabre Mist (IRE)
Sacred Sovereign (IRE)
Saga Malta (FR)
Samapour (IRE)
Santa Elena\'s Girl (USA)
Saraman (IRE)
Schindler's Pearl (IRE)
Shanches (IRE)
Shannak (IRE)
Shantou Bay (IRE)
She Tops The Lot (IRE)
Shell Locket (USA)
Shouldaknownbetter (USA)
Sincerest (IRE)
Six Magpies (IRE)
Six String Kiss (USA)
Sleepy Head (IRE)
Snow Spell (GB)
Snowshaan (IRE)
Spanish Gift (IRE)
Spencer Cody (IRE)
Spirit Diamond (IRE)
Stars Sister (IRE)
Stella Street (IRE)
Storm Elza (IRE)
Sun And Scent (IRE)
Sure Cert (IRE)
Surreal (IRE)
Taal Tal (GB)
Taffina (USA)
Talsara (IRE)
Tamimi's History (GB)
Teenage Kiss (IRE)
Telecom Affair (IRE)
Telford (IRE)
Teresa Malone (IRE)
Terramarique (IRE)
The Boy Soldier (IRE)
The Persuasionist (IRE)
The Polomoche (IRE)
The Ride Aint Free (IRE)
Theatre Sunset (IRE)
Thehomeoffootball (IRE)
Thevaledictorian (IRE)
Three Way Stretch (IRE)
Tigers Rule (USA)
Title Page (IRE)
Torpedo Alley (IRE)
Travel Agent (USA)
Un Autre Gris (IRE)
Unpublished (USA)
Via Branca (IRE)
Vincent (IRE)
Vinniespride (IRE)
Violent Fit (USA)
War Commander (IRE)
Warriors Key (IRE)
Washington Chief (IRE)
Washington Poste (GB)
Wee Rebel (IRE)
What Are You Up To (IRE)
What Can You Do (IRE)
Wild And Innocent (IRE)
Wild Artist (IRE)
Wrekin Rock (IRE)
Zoffany Gold (IRE)